# inquirer ````{attention} This document is irrelevant if you intend to use the {ref}`index:Classic Syntax (PyInquirer)`. ```{seealso} {ref}`pages/prompt:prompt` ``` ```` This page documents the usage of `inquirer`. ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: InquirerPy.inquirer :noindex: ``` An example using `inquirer` which incorporate multiple different types of prompts: ![demo](https://assets.kazhala.me/InquirerPy/InquirerPy-prompt.gif) ```{eval-rst} .. literalinclude :: ../../examples/inquirer.py :language: python ``` ```{important} The `inquirer` module serves as an entry point to each prompt classes. Refer to individual prompt documentation for prompt specific usage. ``` ## Synchronous execution Each prompt contains a function `execute` to start the prompt. ```{code-block} python from InquirerPy import inquirer def main(): result = inquirer.text(message="Name:").execute() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` ## Asynchronous execution Each prompt contains a function `execute_async` to start the prompt asynchronously. ```{code-block} python import asyncio from InquirerPy import inquirer async def main(): result = await inquirer.text(message="Name:").execute_async() if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main()) ```