Can I change how the user answer is displayed?

See also


Yes, especially for list type prompts with multiple selection, printing selection as a list is not ideal in a lot of scenarios. Use transformer parameter to customise it.

How can I do unittest when using InquirerPy?


Since InquirerPy module itself is tested, there’s no need to mock any futher/deeper than the API entrypoint (prompt and inquirer).

For Classic Syntax (PyInquirer) user, it would be just a direct mock on the prompt function.

from InquirerPy import prompt

def get_name():
    return prompt({"type": "input", "message": "Name:"})
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch

from Module.somefunction import get_name

class TestPrompt(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_name(self, mocked_prompt):
        mocked_prompt.return_value = "hello"
        result = get_name()
        self.assertEqual(result, "hello")

For Alternate Syntax user, you’d have to mock 1 level deeper to the prompt class level.

from InquirerPy import inquirer

def get_name():
    return inquirer.text(message="Name:").execute()
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch

from Module.somefunction import get_name

class TestPrompt(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_name(self, mocked_prompt):
        mocked_prompt.return_value = "hello"
        result = get_name()
        self.assertEqual(result, "hello")

Can I navigate back to the previous question?

No. With the current implementation this is not possible since the control of the prompt is terminated after it is answered. This may be supported in the future but not a priority at the moment.