Source code for InquirerPy.prompts.number

"""Module contains the class to create a number prompt."""
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

from prompt_toolkit.application.application import Application
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
from prompt_toolkit.filters.base import Condition
from prompt_toolkit.filters.cli import IsDone
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import (
from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import (
from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import Dimension, LayoutDimension
from prompt_toolkit.layout.layout import Layout
from prompt_toolkit.lexers.base import SimpleLexer
from prompt_toolkit.validation import ValidationError

from InquirerPy.base.complex import BaseComplexPrompt, FakeDocument
from InquirerPy.containers.instruction import InstructionWindow
from InquirerPy.containers.validation import ValidationWindow
from InquirerPy.enum import INQUIRERPY_QMARK_SEQUENCE
from InquirerPy.exceptions import InvalidArgument
from InquirerPy.utils import (

    from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyPressEvent

__all__ = ["NumberPrompt"]

[docs]class NumberPrompt(BaseComplexPrompt): """Create a input prompts that only takes number as input. A wrapper class around :class:`~prompt_toolkit.application.Application`. Args: message: The question to ask the user. Refer to :ref:`pages/dynamic:message` documentation for more details. style: An :class:`InquirerPyStyle` instance. Refer to :ref:`Style <pages/style:Alternate Syntax>` documentation for more details. vi_mode: Use vim keybinding for the prompt. Refer to :ref:`pages/kb:Keybindings` documentation for more details. default: Set the default value of the prompt. You can enter either the floating value or integer value as the default. Refer to :ref:`pages/dynamic:default` documentation for more details. float_allowed: Allow decimal input. This will change the prompt to have 2 input buffer, one for the whole value and one for the integral value. min_allowed: Set the minimum value of the prompt. When the input value goes below this value, it will automatically reset to this value. max_allowed: Set the maximum value of the prompt. When the inptu value goes above this value, it will automatically reset to this value. qmark: Question mark symbol. Custom symbol that will be displayed infront of the question before its answered. amark: Answer mark symbol. Custom symbol that will be displayed infront of the question after its answered. decimal_symbol: Decimal point symbol. Custom symbol to display as the decimal point. replace_mode: Start each input buffer in replace mode if default value is 0. When typing, it will replace the 0 with the new value. The replace mode will be disabled once the value is changed. instruction: Short instruction to display next to the question. long_instruction: Long instructions to display at the bottom of the prompt. validate: Add validation to user input. Refer to :ref:`pages/validator:Validator` documentation for more details. invalid_message: Error message to display when user input is invalid. Refer to :ref:`pages/validator:Validator` documentation for more details. invalid_message: Error message to display when user input is invalid. Refer to :ref:`pages/validator:Validator` documentation for more details. transformer: A function which performs additional transformation on the value that gets printed to the terminal. Different than `filter` parameter, this is only visual effect and won’t affect the actual value returned by :meth:`~InquirerPy.base.simple.BaseSimplePrompt.execute`. Refer to :ref:`pages/dynamic:transformer` documentation for more details. filter: A function which performs additional transformation on the result. This affects the actual value returned by :meth:`~InquirerPy.base.simple.BaseSimplePrompt.execute`. Refer to :ref:`pages/dynamic:filter` documentation for more details. keybindings: Customise the builtin keybindings. Refer to :ref:`pages/kb:Keybindings` for more details. wrap_lines: Soft wrap question lines when question exceeds the terminal width. raise_keyboard_interrupt: Raise the :class:`KeyboardInterrupt` exception when `ctrl-c` is pressed. If false, the result will be `None` and the question is skiped. mandatory: Indicate if the prompt is mandatory. If True, then the question cannot be skipped. mandatory_message: Error message to show when user attempts to skip mandatory prompt. session_result: Used internally for :ref:`index:Classic Syntax (PyInquirer)`. Examples: >>> from InquirerPy import inquirer >>> result = inquirer.number(message="Enter number:").execute() >>> print(result) 0 """ def __init__( self, message: InquirerPyMessage, style: Optional[InquirerPyStyle] = None, vi_mode: bool = False, default: InquirerPyDefault = 0, float_allowed: bool = False, max_allowed: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, min_allowed: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, decimal_symbol: str = ". ", replace_mode: bool = False, qmark: str = INQUIRERPY_QMARK_SEQUENCE, amark: str = "?", instruction: str = "", long_instruction: str = "", validate: Optional[InquirerPyValidate] = None, invalid_message: str = "Invalid input", transformer: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, filter: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, keybindings: Optional[InquirerPyKeybindings] = None, wrap_lines: bool = True, raise_keyboard_interrupt: bool = True, mandatory: bool = True, mandatory_message: str = "Mandatory prompt", session_result: Optional[InquirerPySessionResult] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( message=message, style=style, vi_mode=vi_mode, qmark=qmark, amark=amark, transformer=transformer, filter=filter, invalid_message=invalid_message, validate=validate, instruction=instruction, long_instruction=long_instruction, wrap_lines=wrap_lines, raise_keyboard_interrupt=raise_keyboard_interrupt, mandatory=mandatory, mandatory_message=mandatory_message, session_result=session_result, ) self._float = float_allowed self._is_float = Condition(lambda: self._float) self._max = max_allowed self._min = min_allowed self._value_error_message = "Remove any non-integer value" self._decimal_symbol = decimal_symbol self._whole_replace = False self._integral_replace = False self._replace_mode = replace_mode self._leading_zero_pattern = re.compile(r"^(0*)[0-9]+.*") self._sn_pattern = re.compile(r"^.*E-.*") self._no_default = False if default is None: default = 0 self._no_default = True if isinstance(default, Callable): default = cast(Callable, default)(session_result) if self._float: default = Decimal(str(float(cast(int, default)))) if self._float: if not isinstance(default, float) and not isinstance(default, Decimal): raise InvalidArgument( f"{type(self).__name__} argument 'default' should return type of float or Decimal" ) elif not isinstance(default, int): raise InvalidArgument( f"{type(self).__name__} argument 'default' should return type of int" ) self._default = default if keybindings is None: keybindings = {} self.kb_maps = { "down": [ {"key": "down"}, {"key": "c-n", "filter": ~self._is_vim_edit}, {"key": "j", "filter": self._is_vim_edit}, ], "up": [ {"key": "up"}, {"key": "c-p", "filter": ~self._is_vim_edit}, {"key": "k", "filter": self._is_vim_edit}, ], "left": [ {"key": "left"}, {"key": "c-b", "filter": ~self._is_vim_edit}, {"key": "h", "filter": self._is_vim_edit}, ], "right": [ {"key": "right"}, {"key": "c-f", "filter": ~self._is_vim_edit}, {"key": "l", "filter": self._is_vim_edit}, ], "dot": [{"key": "."}], "focus": [{"key": Keys.Tab}, {"key": "s-tab"}], "input": [{"key": str(i)} for i in range(10)], "negative_toggle": [{"key": "-"}], **keybindings, } self.kb_func_lookup = { "down": [{"func": self._handle_down}], "up": [{"func": self._handle_up}], "left": [{"func": self._handle_left}], "right": [{"func": self._handle_right}], "focus": [{"func": self._handle_focus}], "input": [{"func": self._handle_input}], "negative_toggle": [{"func": self._handle_negative_toggle}], "dot": [{"func": self._handle_dot}], } @self.register_kb(Keys.Any) def _(_): pass self._whole_width = 1 self._whole_buffer = Buffer( on_text_changed=self._on_whole_text_change, on_cursor_position_changed=self._on_cursor_position_change, ) self._integral_width = 1 self._integral_buffer = Buffer( on_text_changed=self._on_integral_text_change, on_cursor_position_changed=self._on_cursor_position_change, ) self._whole_window = Window( height=LayoutDimension.exact(1) if not self._wrap_lines else None, content=BufferControl( buffer=self._whole_buffer, lexer=SimpleLexer("class:input"), ), width=lambda: Dimension( min=self._whole_width, max=self._whole_width, preferred=self._whole_width, ), dont_extend_width=True, ) self._integral_window = Window( height=LayoutDimension.exact(1) if not self._wrap_lines else None, content=BufferControl( buffer=self._integral_buffer, lexer=SimpleLexer("class:input"), ), width=lambda: Dimension( min=self._integral_width, max=self._integral_width, preferred=self._integral_width, ), ) self._layout = Layout( HSplit( [ VSplit( [ Window( height=LayoutDimension.exact(1) if not self._wrap_lines else None, content=FormattedTextControl(self._get_prompt_message), wrap_lines=self._wrap_lines, dont_extend_height=True, dont_extend_width=True, ), ConditionalContainer(self._whole_window, filter=~IsDone()), ConditionalContainer( Window( height=LayoutDimension.exact(1) if not self._wrap_lines else None, content=FormattedTextControl( [("", self._decimal_symbol)] ), wrap_lines=self._wrap_lines, dont_extend_height=True, dont_extend_width=True, ), filter=self._is_float & ~IsDone(), ), ConditionalContainer( self._integral_window, filter=self._is_float & ~IsDone() ), ], align=HorizontalAlign.LEFT, ), ConditionalContainer( Window(content=DummyControl()), filter=~IsDone() & self._is_displaying_long_instruction, ), ValidationWindow( invalid_message=self._get_error_message, filter=self._is_invalid & ~IsDone(), wrap_lines=self._wrap_lines, ), InstructionWindow( message=self._long_instruction, filter=~IsDone() & self._is_displaying_long_instruction, wrap_lines=self._wrap_lines, ), ] ), ) self.focus = self._whole_window self._application = Application( layout=self._layout, style=self._style, key_bindings=self._kb, after_render=self._after_render, editing_mode=self._editing_mode, ) def _fix_sn(self, value: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Fix sciencetific notation format. Args: value: Value to fix. Returns: A tuple of whole buffer text and integral buffer text. """ left, right = value.split("E-") whole_buffer_text = "0" integral_buffer_text = f"{(int(right) - 1) * '0'}{left.replace('.', '')}" return whole_buffer_text, integral_buffer_text def _on_rendered(self, _) -> None: """Additional processing to adjust buffer content after render.""" if self._no_default: return if not self._float: self._whole_buffer.text = str(self._default) self._integral_buffer.text = "0" else: if self._sn_pattern.match(str(self._default)) is None: whole_buffer_text, integral_buffer_text = str(self._default).split(".") else: whole_buffer_text, integral_buffer_text = self._fix_sn( str(self._default) ) self._integral_buffer.text = integral_buffer_text self._whole_buffer.text = whole_buffer_text self._whole_buffer.cursor_position = len(self._whole_buffer.text) self._integral_buffer.cursor_position = len(self._integral_buffer.text) if self._replace_mode: # check to start replace mode if applicable if self._whole_buffer.text == "0": self._whole_replace = True self._whole_buffer.cursor_position = 0 if self._integral_buffer.text == "0": self._integral_replace = True self._integral_buffer.cursor_position = 0 def _handle_number(self, increment: bool) -> None: """Handle number increment and decrement. Additional processing to handle leading zeros in integral buffer as well as SN notation. Args: increment: Indicate if the operation should increment or decrement. """ if self.buffer_replace: self.buffer_replace = False self.focus_buffer.cursor_position += 1 try: leading_zeros = "" if self.focus_buffer == self._integral_buffer: zeros = self._leading_zero_pattern.match(self._integral_buffer.text) if zeros is not None: leading_zeros = current_text_len = len(self.focus_buffer.text) if not self.focus_buffer.text: next_text = "0" next_text_len = 1 else: if not increment: if ( self.focus_buffer == self._integral_buffer and int(self.focus_buffer.text) == 0 ): return next_text = leading_zeros + str(int(self.focus_buffer.text) - 1) else: next_text = leading_zeros + str(int(self.focus_buffer.text) + 1) next_text_len = len(next_text) desired_position = ( self.focus_buffer.cursor_position + next_text_len - current_text_len ) self.focus_buffer.cursor_position = desired_position self.focus_buffer.text = next_text if self.focus_buffer.cursor_position != desired_position: self.focus_buffer.cursor_position = desired_position except ValueError: self._set_error(message=self._value_error_message) def _handle_down(self, _) -> None: """Handle down key press.""" self._handle_number(increment=False) def _handle_up(self, _) -> None: """Handle up key press.""" self._handle_number(increment=True) def _handle_left(self, _) -> None: """Handle left key press. Move to the left by one cursor position and focus the whole window if applicable. """ self.buffer_replace = False if ( self.focus == self._integral_window and self.focus_buffer.cursor_position == 0 ): self.focus = self._whole_window else: self.focus_buffer.cursor_position -= 1 def _handle_right(self, _) -> None: """Handle right key press. Move to the right by one cursor position and focus the integral window if applicable. """ self.buffer_replace = False if ( self.focus == self._whole_window and self.focus_buffer.cursor_position == len(self.focus_buffer.text) and self._float ): self.focus = self._integral_window else: self.focus_buffer.cursor_position += 1 def _handle_enter(self, event: "KeyPressEvent") -> None: """Handle enter event and answer/close the prompt.""" if not self._float and not self._whole_buffer.text: result = "" elif ( self._float and not self._whole_buffer.text and not self._integral_buffer.text ): result = "" else: result = str(self.value) try: fake_document = FakeDocument(result) self._validator.validate(fake_document) # type: ignore except ValidationError as e: self._set_error(str(e)) else: self.status["answered"] = True self.status["result"] = result def _handle_dot(self, _) -> None: """Focus the integral window if `float_allowed`.""" self._handle_focus(_, self._integral_window) def _handle_focus(self, _, window: Optional[Window] = None) -> None: """Focus either the integral window or whole window.""" if not self._float: return if window is not None: self.focus = window return if self.focus == self._whole_window: self.focus = self._integral_window else: self.focus = self._whole_window def _handle_input(self, event: "KeyPressEvent") -> None: """Handle user input of numbers. Buffer will start as replace mode if the value is zero, once cursor is moved or content is changed, disable replace mode. """ if self.buffer_replace: self.buffer_replace = False self.focus_buffer.text = event.key_sequence[0].data self.focus_buffer.cursor_position += 1 else: self.focus_buffer.insert_text(event.key_sequence[0].data) def _handle_negative_toggle(self, _) -> None: """Toggle negativity of the prompt value. Force the `-` sign at the start. """ if self._whole_buffer.text == "-": self._whole_buffer.text = "0" return if self._whole_buffer.text.startswith("-"): move_cursor = self._whole_buffer.cursor_position < len( self._whole_buffer.text ) self._whole_buffer.text = self._whole_buffer.text[1:] if move_cursor: self._whole_buffer.cursor_position -= 1 else: move_cursor = self._whole_buffer.cursor_position != 0 self._whole_buffer.text = f"-{self._whole_buffer.text}" if move_cursor: self._whole_buffer.cursor_position += 1 def _on_whole_text_change(self, buffer: Buffer) -> None: """Handle event of text changes in buffer.""" self._whole_width = len(buffer.text) + 1 self._on_text_change(buffer) def _on_integral_text_change(self, buffer: Buffer) -> None: """Handle event of text changes in buffer.""" self._integral_width = len(buffer.text) + 1 self._on_text_change(buffer) def _on_text_change(self, buffer: Buffer) -> None: """Disable replace mode and fix cursor position on text changes.""" self.buffer_replace = False if buffer.text and buffer.text != "-": self.value = self.value if buffer.text.startswith("-") and buffer.cursor_position == 0: buffer.cursor_position = 1 def _on_cursor_position_change(self, buffer: Buffer) -> None: """Fix cursor position on cursor movement.""" if self.focus_buffer.text.startswith("-") and buffer.cursor_position == 0: buffer.cursor_position = 1 @property def buffer_replace(self) -> bool: """bool: Current buffer replace mode.""" if self.focus_buffer == self._whole_buffer: return self._whole_replace else: return self._integral_replace @buffer_replace.setter def buffer_replace(self, value) -> None: if self.focus_buffer == self._whole_buffer: self._whole_replace = value else: self._integral_replace = value @property def focus_buffer(self) -> Buffer: """Buffer: Current editable buffer.""" if self.focus == self._whole_window: return self._whole_buffer else: return self._integral_buffer @property def focus(self) -> Window: """Window: Current focused window.""" return self._focus @focus.setter def focus(self, value: Window) -> None: self._focus = value self._layout.focus(self._focus) @property def value(self) -> Union[int, float, Decimal]: """Union[int, float]: The actual value of the prompt, combining and transforming all input buffer values.""" try: if not self._float: return int(self._whole_buffer.text) else: return Decimal( f"{self._whole_buffer.text}.{self._integral_buffer.text if self._integral_buffer.text else 0}" ) except ValueError: self._set_error(self._value_error_message) return self._default @value.setter def value(self, value: Union[int, float, Decimal]) -> None: if self._min is not None: value = max( value, self._min if not self._float else Decimal(str(self._min)) ) if self._max is not None: value = min( value, self._max if not self._float else Decimal(str(self._max)) ) if not self._float: self._whole_buffer.text = str(value) else: if self._sn_pattern.match(str(value)) is None: whole_buffer_text, integral_buffer_text = str(value).split(".") else: whole_buffer_text, integral_buffer_text = self._fix_sn(str(value)) if self._whole_buffer.text: self._whole_buffer.text = whole_buffer_text if self._integral_buffer.text: self._integral_buffer.text = integral_buffer_text