Source code for InquirerPy.utils

"""Module contains shared utility functions and typing aliases."""
import math
import os
import shutil
from typing import (

from prompt_toolkit import print_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.application import run_in_terminal
from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
from prompt_toolkit.validation import Validator

from InquirerPy.exceptions import InvalidArgument

    from prompt_toolkit.filters.base import FilterOrBool

    from InquirerPy.base.control import Choice

__all__ = [

[docs]class InquirerPyStyle(NamedTuple): """`InquirerPy` Style class. Used as a helper class to enforce the method `get_style` to be used while also avoiding :class:`dict` to be passed into prompts. Note: The class is an instance of :class:`typing.NamedTuple`. Warning: You should not directly be using this class besides for type hinting purposes. Obtain an instance of this class using :func:`.get_style`. """ dict: Dict[str, str]
InquirerPySessionResult = Dict[Union[str, int], Optional[Union[str, bool, List[Any]]]] InquirerPyChoice = Union[List[Any], List["Choice"], List[Dict[str, Any]]] InquirerPyListChoices = Union[ Callable[["InquirerPySessionResult"], InquirerPyChoice], InquirerPyChoice, ] InquirerPyValidate = Union[Callable[[Any], bool], "Validator"] InquirerPyQuestions = Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]] InquirerPyMessage = Union[str, Callable[["InquirerPySessionResult"], str]] InquirerPyDefault = Union[Any, Callable[["InquirerPySessionResult"], Any]] InquirerPyKeybindings = Dict[ str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, "FilterOrBool", List[str]]]] ]
[docs]def get_style( style: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, style_override: bool = True ) -> InquirerPyStyle: """Obtain an :class:`.InquirerPyStyle` instance which can be consumed by the `style` parameter in prompts. Tip: This function supports ENV variables. For all the color ENV variable names, refer to the :ref:`ENV <pages/env:Style>` documentation. Note: If no style is provided, then a default theme based on `one dark <>`_ color palette is applied. Note: Priority: style parameter -> ENV variable -> default style Args: style: The dictionary of style classes and their colors, If nothing is passed, the style will be resolved to the :ref:`pages/style:Default Style`. style_override: A boolean to determine if the supplied `style` parameter should be merged with the :ref:`pages/style:Default Style` or override them. By default, the supplied style will overwrite the :ref:`pages/style:Default Style`. Returns: An instance of :class:`.InquirerPyStyle`. Examples: >>> from InquirerPy import get_style >>> from InquirerPy import inquirer >>> style = get_style({"questionmark": "#ffffff", "answer": "#000000"}, style_override=False) >>> result = inquirer.confirm(message="Confirm?", style=style).execute() """ if not style_override or style is None: if not style: style = {} result = { "questionmark": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_QUESTIONMARK", "#e5c07b"), "answermark": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_ANSWERMARK", "#e5c07b"), "answer": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_ANSWER", "#61afef"), "input": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_INPUT", "#98c379"), "question": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_QUESTION", ""), "answered_question": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_ANSWERED_QUESTION", ""), "instruction": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_INSTRUCTION", "#abb2bf"), "long_instruction": os.getenv( "INQUIRERPY_STYLE_LONG_INSTRUCTION", "#abb2bf" ), "pointer": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_POINTER", "#61afef"), "checkbox": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_CHECKBOX", "#98c379"), "separator": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SEPARATOR", ""), "skipped": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SKIPPED", "#5c6370"), "validator": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_VALIDATOR", ""), "marker": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_MARKER", "#e5c07b"), "fuzzy_prompt": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_PROMPT", "#c678dd"), "fuzzy_info": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_INFO", "#abb2bf"), "fuzzy_border": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_BORDER", "#4b5263"), "fuzzy_match": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_MATCH", "#c678dd"), "spinner_pattern": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SPINNER_PATTERN", "#e5c07b"), "spinner_text": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SPINNER_TEXT", ""), **style, } else: result = { "questionmark": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_QUESTIONMARK", ""), "answermark": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_ANSWERMARK", ""), "answer": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_ANSWER", ""), "input": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_INPUT", ""), "question": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_QUESTION", ""), "answered_question": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_ANSWERED_QUESTION", ""), "instruction": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_INSTRUCTION", ""), "long_instruction": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_LONG_INSTRUCTION", ""), "pointer": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_POINTER", ""), "checkbox": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_CHECKBOX", ""), "separator": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SEPARATOR", ""), "skipped": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SKIPPED", ""), "validator": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_VALIDATOR", ""), "marker": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_MARKER", ""), "fuzzy_prompt": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_PROMPT", ""), "fuzzy_info": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_INFO", ""), "fuzzy_border": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_BORDER", ""), "fuzzy_match": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_FUZZY_MATCH", ""), "spinner_pattern": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SPINNER_PATTERN", ""), "spinner_text": os.getenv("INQUIRERPY_STYLE_SPINNER_TEXT", ""), **style, } if result.get("fuzzy_border"): result["frame.border"] = result.pop("fuzzy_border") if result.get("validator"): result["validation-toolbar"] = result.pop("validator") result["bottom-toolbar"] = "noreverse" return InquirerPyStyle(result)
[docs]def calculate_height( height: Optional[Union[int, str]], max_height: Optional[Union[int, str]], height_offset: int = 2, ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], int]: """Calculate the `height` and `max_height` for the main question contents. Tip: The parameter `height`/`max_height` can be specified by either a :class:`string` or :class:`int`. When `height`/`max_height` is :class:`str`: It will set the height to a percentage based on the value provided. You can optionally add the '%' sign which will be ignored while processing. Example: "60%" or "60" (60% of the current terminal visible lines) When `height`/`max_height` is :class:`int`: It will set the height to exact number of lines based on the value provided. Example: 20 (20 lines in terminal) Note: If `max_height` is not provided or is None, the default `max_height` will be configured to `70%` for best visual presentation in the terminal. Args: height: The desired height in either percentage as string or exact value as int. max_height: Maximum acceptable height in either percentage as string or exact value as int. height_offset: Height offset to apply to the height. Returns: A :class:`tuple` with the first value being the desired height and the second value being the maximum height. Raises: InvalidArgument: The provided `height`/`max_height` is not able to to be converted to int. Examples: >>> calculate_height(height="60%", max_height="100%") """ try: _, term_lines = shutil.get_terminal_size() term_lines = term_lines if not height: dimmension_height = None else: if isinstance(height, str): height = height.replace("%", "") height = int(height) dimmension_height = ( math.floor(term_lines * (height / 100)) - height_offset ) else: dimmension_height = height if not max_height: max_height = "70%" if not height else "100%" if isinstance(max_height, str): max_height = max_height.replace("%", "") max_height = int(max_height) dimmension_max_height = ( math.floor(term_lines * (max_height / 100)) - height_offset ) else: dimmension_max_height = max_height if dimmension_height and dimmension_height > dimmension_max_height: dimmension_height = dimmension_max_height if dimmension_height and dimmension_height <= 0: dimmension_height = 1 if dimmension_max_height <= 0: dimmension_max_height = 1 return dimmension_height, dimmension_max_height except ValueError: raise InvalidArgument( "prompt argument height/max_height needs to be type of an int or str" )
[docs]def patched_print(*values) -> None: """Patched :func:`print` that can print values without interrupting the prompt. See Also: :func:`print` :func:`~prompt_toolkit.application.run_in_terminal` Args: *values: Refer to :func:`print`. Examples: >>> patched_print("Hello World") """ def _print(): print(*values) run_in_terminal(_print)
[docs]def color_print( formatted_text: List[Tuple[str, str]], style: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> None: """Print colored text leveraging :func:`~prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.print_formatted_text`. This function automatically handles printing the text without interrupting the current prompt. Args: formatted_text: A list of formatted_text. style: Style to apply to `formatted_text` in :class:`dictionary` form. Example: >>> color_print(formatted_text=[("class:aa", "hello "), ("class:bb", "world")], style={"aa": "red", "bb": "blue"}) >>> color_print([("red", "yes"), ("", " "), ("blue", "no")]) """ def _print(): print_formatted_text( FormattedText(formatted_text), style=Style.from_dict(style) if style else None, ) if get_app().is_running: run_in_terminal(_print) else: _print()